- Details
- Written by Luca Pantano
- Category: Smart Government
- Published: 25 November 2014
- Hits: 1289
Mola di Bari - map of geotagging collected during the public consultation
Prototype of the system of public consultation carried out in 2007 to manage the participatory process in the municipality of Mola di Bari.
The design and the realization of this prototype falls within the activities envisaged from the agreement stipulated between the City of Mola di Bari, the IUAV University of Venice - Department of Spatial Planning - and the Polytechnic of Bari - Department of Architecture and Urban Planning - for the realization of the municipal Geographic Information System.
Refer also to the final report of the activity (in italian language), in the section on public consultations.
The design of the public consultation system has been treated in my dissertation for the Bachelor degree in Geographic Information Systems, at IUAV University of Venice, in the academic year 2005-06, entitled:
"Public consultations and partecipation processes at the municipal level: design of a system for dissemination and public participation, addressed to the citizens and integrated into the municipal geographic information system, applied to the case study of the town of Mola di Bari (Italy)."
Here you will find the pdf document and the presentation slides (in italian language).