- Details
- Written by Luca Pantano
- Category: Spatial database
- Hits: 1584
Conceptual data model
This work aims at the modeling of an information system for the management of the resources useful to the processes of territorial government. The system model involves the organization of the activities related to the government processes, ranked according to the main territorial topics, and the available data, organized according to their content.
This work, carried out by the research team at the IUAV University of Venice, is presented in my dissertation for the Master's degree in Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, academic year 2008-09, titled:
"Information system to support geographic data reuse in the territorial government processes"
For consultation, the pdf document in Italian language is available.
The proposal consists in the implementation of a system that contains an inventory the available data and also allows the management of activities, keeping a record of when and how the data are used.
The general scheme of the model is organized by dividing the activities, ranked according to the main territorial topics, and the available data, organized according to their category and content.
Aside from the usefulness of the system as historical archive of data and processes, the main goal of the project is to provide a search functionality, which identifies what data - present or detectable - could be useful in a new activities linked to processes of territorial government. According to the themes and objectives of such processes, the data presumably needed are selected; this selection is made by applying a ranking algorithm based on similarity, considering the semantic, geographical, administrative and technical characteristics of data compared to the needs emerged in similar activities carried out previously.